I have to politely disagree with the sentiment of this post. For individuals who don't have a team, Instagram is an impossible monster to feed, it just wants more. My whole reason for coming to Substack was to escape that type of feeding of the algorithm. It's difficult to get seen if you don't spend hours on it each day. For those that already have a huge following, like some you mention, it's fine, easy even and another string to their bow.

Time and time again, for me, the people who convert into readers and buyers of my books are the people on my mailing list. Don't get me wrong, I still use IG to signpost what I'm doing. But my expectations and experience tell me not to expect a lot back.

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Using the highlights is a great tip, lots of nuggets here. Need to sit down & focus more to absorb & figure out if any of it can be incorporated into what Iā€™m doing to enhance the small following ive built on several accounts. Hitting 1k followers took almost 3 years.

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This is SUPER helpful as someone who loathes Instagram and social media in general (hello, my substack title haha).

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...if only there were a content operations app that helped creators use one CMS interface to deliver content to all social platforms per their specs and needs and catered to each environment...it is a little mind bending to consider the amount of human labor being deployed to manage the most successful of these cross platform users...

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thanks! This was really interesting and I definitely learned a few things that I had no idea about, after years of trying and failing to use Instagram for growth!

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If you are open to guest posts Reid, feel free to connect with Renu about how she has grown and uses her Instagram to boost her writing: (I actually think here case studies would be fascinating) https://www.instagram.com/renuka_gavrani/?hl=en

She recently joined Substack. https://substack.com/@renukagavrani

94k on Instagram, 18k on Medium

Along the spectrum of edutainment, video is really untapped so far for Substack and by embracing younger Creators they bring that GenZ spark to the Writer's bakery of stacks. I do agree that video can be great top of the funnel.

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Reid DeRamus

Do you foresee Instagram having holding power or as time goes on it slowly losing its engagement much like Facebook?

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Wow! So much useful information. As someone getting started on their Substack journey, Iā€™ve been trying to figure out how to integrate my Instagram audience here. Thank you for the tips!!!

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Just so everyone knows, don't mention the actual words bio or link in a post because Instagram doesn't like that. They will hide comments that mention those, so if you do use Instagram, turn those words into bĀ”0 or lĀ”nk.

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