Feb 21Liked by Reid DeRamus

Is that okay to get sponsor for a newsletter in Substack?

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Native Sponsor Ads should be re-written in the style of the Creator and Newsletter automatically. You need to download thousands of passionfroot storefronts and find the patterns. We need an actual copilot that can crunch the numbers for us, not another agency, platform or Ad-network.

CPC affiliate partnerships undercut Creators and should be banned from Newsletter platforms. Swapstack on beehiiv is pretty cringe. For the entire business and technology part of Subtack, there's a huge void since paid subscription conversion is too low to be viable. Substack ideology dissing Ads is also cringe - because it makes a lot of writers poorer.

There's a golden mean where Native Sponsorships can add-value and should be written in the Creator's own voice automatically. You can ask Luca Rossi how he does this. The Copilot should match the right creators with the right sponsors with real audience analytics and persona matching.

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Terrific and restacked with a comment--though I don't use ads in any way--unless Notes is an ad of sort? xo ~Mary

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